Joining the lab

For 3rd years students

Why join the lab?
  • · Nice working environment: tackle challenging research with the support of your senpai and supervisor.
  • · Variety of topics: Complex Systems and Blackbox Optimization have a wide range of applications, from AI to biology. You will get a chance to define the topic that suits you best.
  • · Strong international collaborations: on top of joining international conferences, you will have the opportunity to interact with teams abroad or with visiting foreign researchers.
Research directions

No matter which application you chose to focus on, you will be expected to work on one or more of the following aspects:

  • · Mathematical modeling
  • · Agent-based modeling
  • · Simulation
  • · Data analysis
  • · Blackbox optimization
Required skills

· Programming: you will be expected to write and debug code on your own. Language is free, but C, Java, and Python are the most common in the lab.


· Mathematical analysis: you will need to model complex systems (swarms of independent elements, weakly coupled oscillators, ...) and derive their mathematical properties.

Recommended skills
  • · Bioinformatics/ Biology: most systems studied in the lab are biological (e.g., gene regulatory networks) or bio-inspired (e.g., swarms). Having some background knowledge of those systems will be helpful.
  • · English: Day-to-day interactions can be done in Japanese (or French) but lab seminars are conducted in English. Similarly, you will need some grasp of English to take full advantage of international
  • conferences or collaborations.
  • · Software engineering: will help you write better code, making it easier to maintain and expand.
  • · Algorithmic/ data structures: will help you make more efficient algorithms and simulation, giving you faster results.

For international students


You will need to pass the entrance examination of the university to join the lab as a regular student. It is also possible to join for a limited amount of time as a research student. In that last case, you won't receive credits from the Ochanomizu University, but the research you do can count toward a diploma at your own university (internship) or toward your graduation research if you pass the entrance exam later on.

  1. 1. Contact us to discuss your prospective research topic. It may be changed further done the line if necessary.
  2. 2. Apply to a scholarship, if possible. Check the webpage of the Japanese embassy of your own country to learn more about scholarship opportunities.
  3. 3. Join directly as a research student or pass the entrance exam.

Both applications at steps 2. and 3. will require you to explain the research project we agreed upon during step 1.


The university provides accommodations for international students. Please check [here](link)

For postdocs

While we do not have funding for a postdoctoral fellow at this time, multiple programs provide fellowships to international (and Japanese) postdocs. If you are interested in our research and would like to write an application, please contact us directly to discuss the details.

Molecular robotics

The field of molecular robotics is particularly active in Japan, with multiple research events organized throughout the year. Members of the lab are encouraged to join.

Learn More

Code repositories

The java code for the simulation and optimization of molecular systems is available on BitBucket.


Lab retreat

Every year, the lab and collaborators meet to present their recent research and exchange ideas. Location changes every year.

2023 program